Schizophrenic in Japan
"Mike Rogers is a one-man United Nations. With a wickedly astute sense of humor he successfully cross-pollinates two seemingly divergent worlds with daring insight and aplomb. He's a fearless David in a land of Goliaths; his perfectly aimed slings and arrows hit the bullseye every time."--Pamela DesBarres, author of I'm With The Band, Rock Bottom, and Let's Spend the Night Together "American ambassadors are enforcers of the imperial will rather than negotiators of peace and friendship. Thank goodness those of us who love freedom have our own ambassador to Japan, Mike Rogers. With great humor and knowledge, as well as a good heart, Mike in Tokyo helps us understand a little about that great nation, and U.S. relations with it. He deserves the anarchists' Nobel."--Lew Rockwell, "Social commentary seldom surprises experienced readers. Once we figure out the writer's allegiance to some faction, we can predict what the writer is going to say. Not so with this writer."--Robert Klassen, author of Atlantis, A Novel about Economic Government Expatriate Mike (in Tokyo) Rogers shares his musings on a variety of topics from the war in Iraq to the differences between Japanese and American baseball to kamikaze taxi drivers. His witty and engaging style will have you laughing out loud as you explore his perceptions of the world through the lenses of two different cultures.