Electric Boat Corporation
Electric Boat Corporation has been a world leader in submarine development, design, and construction for more than a century. In 1900, the company delivered the Holland, the first submarine accepted by the United States Navy. Fifty-five years later, it turned fantasy into fact by sending the worlds first nuclear-powered ship, the submarine Nautilus, off on its maiden voyage. It later built the worlds first ballistic missilefiring submarine, the George Washington, and most of the nations current underseas fleet. Between those years, it pioneered standardized construction of merchant ships, submarine chasers, torpedo boats, and yachts and also produced airplanes, fishing trawlers, diesel engines, and electric motors. This collection of more than 200 archival photographs traces the companys sometimes roller-coaster existence through 10 historic decades when Americaand Electric Boat Corporationgrew into an industrial giant. It is an engaging collective portrait of American ingenuity, know-how, and persistence driving technology to new heights.