Lunar and Planetary Surface Conditions
Lunar and Planetary Surface Conditions considers the inferential knowledge concerning the surfaces of the Moon and the planetary companions in the Solar System. The information presented in this four-chapter book is based on remote observations and measurements from the vantage point of Earth and on the results obtained from accelerated space program of the United States and U.S.S.R. Chapter 1 presents the prevalent hypotheses on the origin and age of the Solar System, followed by a brief description of the methods and feasibility of information acquisition concerning lunar and planetary data, either from fixed terrestrial observatories or from instrumented or manned space probes. Chapter 2 reviews all conditions pertaining to the surface aspects of the closest celestial neighbor, the Moon. Sections in this chapter deal sequentially with the atmosphere, temperature conditions, subsurface stratification, field intensities (gravitational, electric, and magnetic), and lastly with the biological conditions existing on the lunar surface. This chapter also provides information on the density of the lunar atmosphere under quiescent or high-flux transient conditions, on the topography of the lunar surface, and on the probable proportion of crater-covered areas in the highlands and on the Maria. Chapter 3 is a detailed treatment of the surface conditions on the terrestrial planets, comprising Mercury, Venus, and Mars, while Chapter 4 deals with similar information relating to the so-called Jovian planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune) and Pluto. This book will prove useful to lunar and planetary mission planners, both those concerned with the purely scientific aspects of surfaces and immediate subsurfaces, and those involved in the development of roving exploration vehicles.