Strategic Prayer Manual
Do you want to unlock the blessings and power of God? Are you longing for His will to be fulfilled in your church, your ministry, and your life? You can learn how. This strategic prayer manual equips you to engage in effective, fervent prayer for your church, leaders, ministries, government, communities, and others. It is power-packed with strategies on how to move God’s hand as you pray. If you are tired of empty prayers, this manual will change your outcomes. Learn how to pray specific, targeted prayers that get results. Discover how to align your prayers with God’s will and His Word. Find out how, why, and when to pray, and how to communicate with God so He will hear and answer your prayers. Each chapter is designed to keep you in sync with God’s priorities, so His desires are fulfilled in the earth as it is in Heaven. As you embrace the principles and insights in this manual, your perspective will change and your passion for prayer will increase. Prayer is the answer to your heart’s cry. It is the master key, the mighty weapon, the power for breakthrough. Let it work for you! -Sample strategic and everyday prayers -What prayer really is -The hindrances to powerful prayer -How to pray for the governments, congregations, pastors, and auxiliary staff -How to apply prayer strategies to your daily life -How to set aside quality time for prayer