A FIT Life
Is your life all that it could be? Would you like to improve your life in any way? Have you ever attempted to improve and failed? We all know that the journey of life should involve growing, changing, and improving. InA FIT Life, Debbie Wood offers a biblical, practical, reusable tool to help you learn what your life can be and how to get it there. Using the three basic components of improvement, based on the acronym FIT,A FIT Lifeaddresses the six key areas that define an improved life. bull; Physical Fitness bull; Nutritional Fitness bull; Spiritual Fitness bull; Relational Fitness bull; Financial Fitness bull; Time Fitness By utilizing this life management tool, you will learn to: exercise more, eat better, grow spiritually, build quality relationships, find financial stability, and manage your time. This system is based on partnership and accountability.A FIT Lifeis unique! It is more than a Bible Study. Debbie provides a life management system. Readers are challenged to take an honest assessment of their life...whatneeds to change,whyit needs to change, andhowto change it.