Supercharging Personal Empowerment
Millions of people today are vulnerable to some kind of mental illness due to anxiety, which can lead to depression or possibly early death or suicide. The main source of this anxiety is perfectionism. The demand for excellence is so high today that it leads many people to give up almost before they begin, consigning themselves to wallow in hopelessness and despair when life doesn’t turn out exactly as planned. In the process, they lose sight of their reason to live, the very meaning and purpose of existence, which is not achievement but love. These are the very people this book aims to help. While he may not be able to address every human ailment and frailty, author Dindo Garcia Maquiling believes the lessons he has learned by overcoming similar challenges offer powerful insights that can empower people to free themselves from the entanglements we create in our lives through our poor choices. Each day, we can choose to be happy or angry, excited or timid, alive or dead, happy or sad, loving or hateful. The question is, how can we be empowered to choose the former over the latter? In this book, readers will travel with Dindo as he goes various places and learns lessons from the people he meets. Progressing through the letters of the word EMPOWERMENT, his journey reveals a powerful step-by-step strategy for overcoming discouragement, making the right decision in every situation, and getting your life back on track. Joseph believes that as long as we are alive, there is hope, and he offers hope aplenty in this book.