The Gospel of Buddha
This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can usually download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1915 edition. Excerpt: ... Fo, vv. 1 --147 B St, p. 6+ Fo, vv. 22--24 Fo, vv. 39--40 RB 15o; RHB 52 Fo, v. 147 RHB, pp. 103 -- 108 . . . HM, p. 1f6; RB, p. 83; rGya, xn Fo vv. 152--1 56 Fo, v. 164 .fa, W. 191--322 (BSt, pp. 79-80 1 (**, /. *3 J fo, vv. 335-417 PARALLELISMS i MV, 1, 14 CbD, p. 130 et seq. BP, p. 16 CbD and SS BP, pp. 98 et seqq SB, x, p. 106 CbD, pp. 50--51 CbD, cf OC No. 470 . . CbD, pp. 94-98 C, 11/. 161 MPN, SB, xi, p. 1 et seqq.] IMPN, 1, 19, MV, v1, 18 MPN,1, 16 MPN, 11, 9 AfPN 1 MPN, 11, 11-14 Fo, w. 1749--1753; 1768 -1781 ABBREVIATIONS IN THE TABLE OF REFERENCE. AN.-- Afiguttara Nikaya in Warren's Buddhism in Translations. Bf.--Burnouf, Introduction a l'histoire du Bouddhisme Indien, Paris 1844. Bgt.--The Life or Legend of Gautama, by the R. Rev. P. Bigandet. BL.--Buddhist Literature in China by Samuel Beal. BP.--Buddhaghosha's Parables. Translated by T. Rogers, London, 1870. BSt.--Buddhist Birth Stories or Jataka Tales. Translated by Rhys Davids. C--The Jataka edited by Prof. E. B. Cowell, Cambridge. CB S.--A Catena of Buddhist Scriptures from the Chinese by Samuel Beal. London, 1871. CbD.-- Chinese Dhammapada.] Texts from the Buddhist Canon, commonly known as Dhammapada. Translated by S. Beal, London and Boston, 1878. Db.--The Dharma, or The Religion of Enlightenment by Paul Cams. Jth ed. Chicago, 1907. DP.--The Dhammapada. Translated from Pali by F. Max Miiller, Vol. X, Part I, of the Sacred Books of the East. Oxford, 18 81. EA.--Explanatory Addition. EH.--Handbook of Chinese Buddhism, by Ernest J. Eitel. London, 1888. Fo.--The Fo-Sho-Hing-Tsan-King. A Life of Buddha by Asvaghosha, translated from Sanskrit into Chinese by Dharmarakhsha, A. D. 420, and from Chinese into English by Samuel Beal. Vol. XIX of the Sacred Books of the East....