What Does Faith Look Like
Each of the stories in this book touch on faith. In the stories it will show people finding faith, living faith, or using faith. Faith carries Christians through the trials and tribulations that Jesus assured us would come. Christianity is found and practiced with faith. Without faith that Jesus is the son of God, died on the cross, and on the third day, was resurrected, the Bible is mere religious dogma to a person. Faith, when active in a person's life, is exciting, powerful, and comforting. With faith, you are capable of any and all good things. Stretch you faith when you read these stories. Begin to relax and let God help you through life's many difficulties. With an active faith, you will begin to see God working miracles everyday in your life, just for you. My hope is for the stories in this book to excite you and help you to see what faith looks like by reading about people finding, using, and leaning on faith and all that it can bring to you. Jesus said that with faith as small as a mustard seed, that's small, you can ask a mountain to move and it will. Jesus is not a liar or an exaggerator. He always means what he says. Jesus, through his faith, went willingly to that cross. That is proof enough of his faith and reliability.