The Group Therapist's Notebook
Following in the footsteps of the successful first edition, The Group Therapist’s Notebook, Second Edition offers an all new collection of innovative ideas and proven interventions that will enhance any group therapy practice. Seasoned and up-and-coming experts provide field-tested activities, easy to reproduce handouts, and practical homework assignments for a variety of problems and population types. Each chapter is solidly grounded with a theoretical foundation and includes materials to gather for implementing the intervention, detailed instructions for use, suggestions for follow-up in successive meetings, contraindications for use, and resources for the client and therapist. With an added emphasis on instruction, real-world examples, and extension activities, this new resource will be a valuable asset for both beginning and established mental health practitioners, including counselor educators, social workers, marriage and family therapists, guidance counselors, prevention educators, peer support specialists, and other group facilitators.