Handbook of Child Psychology and Developmental Science, Socioemotional Processes
The essential reference for human development theory, updatedand reconceptualized The Handbook of Child Psychology and DevelopmentalScience, a four-volume reference, is the field-defining work towhich all others are compared. First published in 1946, and now inits Seventh Edition, the Handbook has long been consideredthe definitive guide to the field of developmental science. Volume 3: Social, Emotional, and Personality Developmentpresentsup-to-date knowledge and theoretical understanding of theseveral facets of social, emotional and personality processes. Thevolume emphasizes that any specific processes, function, orbehavior discussed in the volume co-occurs alongside and isinextricably affected by the dozens of other processes, functions,or behaviors that are the focus of other researchers' work. As aresult, the volume underscores the importance of a focus on thewhole developing child and his or her sociocultural and historicalenvironment. Understand the multiple processes that are interrelated inpersonality development Discover the individual, cultural, social, and economicprocesses that contribute to the social, emotional, and personalitydevelopment of individuals Learn about the several individual and contextual contributionsto the development of such facets of the individual as morality,spirituality, or aggressive/violent behavior Study the processes that contribute to the development ofgender, sexuality, motivation, and social engagement The scholarship within this volume and, as well, across the fourvolumes of this edition, illustrate that developmental science isin the midst of a very exciting period. There is a paradigm shiftthat involves increasingly greater understanding of how todescribe, explain, and optimize the course of human life fordiverse individuals living within diverse contexts. ThisHandbook is the definitive reference for educators,policy-makers, researchers, students, and practitioners in humandevelopment, psychology, sociology, anthropology, andneuroscience.