Observations, Volume One
The human experience is a journey through time, space and moments meant to expand our collective consciousness. These moments come and go in an instant. What did we feel, see and learn from these moments? This book is a collection of one man's moments. Moments filled with love and pain; self loathing and self awareness. Moments of frustration and anger; of pure joy and self acceptance. A journey to self discovery that all can relate to. These poetic moments are meant to engage, enrage, start a dialogue page after page. Political correctness has legislated our morality without the freedom to debate. This collection is a challenge to that oppressive mandate. Rendered in clear, concise, and often provocative prose and poetry, "Observations, Volume One" is meant to offer a balanced view of the human experience, that we as spiritual beings are experiencing on this planet in this moment. People who are reaching and wanting for something more will find this collection full of judgement, understanding, forgiveness and the hope for a better future. After all, if we can't admit our mistakes, learn from them and strive to be better, how can we logically expect mankind to survive? The real question is, can we get past our self, our ego and our greed to go within, change and then help to change the world? The changes will come one person at a time. Not with religion, war, politics or policies. No grand schemes or legacies. One person at a time, in that moment. What will your next moment be?