Woman's Songs in Ancient Greece
The author shows that understanding of femininity in ancient Greece can be expanded by going beyond poetry composed by women poets like Sappho to explore girls' and women's choral songs from the archaic period, songs for female choruses and characters in tragedy, and lyrical representations of women's rituals and cults. The book discusses poetry as performance, relevant kinds and genres of poetry, the definition and scope of "woman's song" as a mode, partheneia (maidens' songs) and the girls' chorus, lyric in the drama, echoes and imitations of archaic woman's song in Hellenistic poetry, and inferences about the differences between male and female authors. It demonstrates that woman's song is ultimately best understood as the product of a male-dominated culture but that feminine stereotypes, while refined by male poets, are interrogated and shifted by female poets. The book traces the evolution of female-voice lyric from 600 to 100 BCE and includes Alcman, Sappho, Corinna, Pindar, other lyric poets, lyric in the drama, and the Hellenistic poets Nossis, Theocritus, and Bion.