Clarinet: Sheet Music for Clarinet - Book 1
This is a Clarinet sheet music book with 10 easy sheet music pieces. Each piece has two easy arrangements, one for solo Clarinet, the other for Clarinet and Piano when playing duets. The piano parts can be played on piano or electronic keyboard, they are very easy to play and are arranged to accompany the Clarinet. Contents: 1. Home on the Range 2. Can Can 3. Daisy Bell 4. Oh Susanna 5. Bill Bailey Won't You Please Come Home 6. Lightly Row 7. Lullabye 8. The New World Symphony 9. Michael Row The Boat Ashore 10. When The Saints Go Marching In Compatible Devices The digital sheet music in this book can be viewed on all tablet devices. My name is Michael Shaw, I hope you enjoy the sheet music in this book. Keywords: b flat clarinet sheet music,beginner clarinet music,clarinet duet sheet music,clarinet music books,clarinet music for beginners,clarinet music sheets,clarinet notes,clarinet sheet music,clarinet sheet music for beginners,clarinet solo sheet music,clarinet solos sheet music,clarinet songs,classical sheet music,easy clarinet sheet music,easy clarinet sheet music for beginners,easy songs for clarinet,notes for clarinet,popular clarinet sheet music,sheet music notes,song sheet,songs on clarinet