Kumar & Clark Clinical Medicine
Praised for its depth of content and its clarity of style, the 5th Edition carries on this tradition of excellence with an enhanced layout and new content on ethics and communication and the needs of the elderly. It also shows the importance of the underpinning sciences in the understanding of clinical medicine, and explains clearly and in a consistent style, the epidemiology, examination, differential diagnosis, investigations, and management of disease. The smart way to study! Elsevier titles with STUDENT CONSULT will help you master difficult concepts and study more efficiently in print and online! Perform rapid searches. Integrate bonus content from other disciplines. Download text to your handheld device. And a lot more. Each STUDENT CONSULT title comes with full text online, a unique image library, case studies, USMLE style questions, and online note-taking to enhance your learning experience. Bridges the gap between introductory texts and reference books. Integrates basic sciences with clinical medicine. Features a logical organization and colorful, highly illustrated design. Your purchase of this book entitles you to access www.studentconsult.com at no extra charge. This innovative web site offers you... Access to the complete text and illustrations of this book. Integration links to bonus content in other STUDENT CONSULT titles. Content clipping for your handheld. An interactive community center with a wealth of additional resources. The more STUDENT CONSULT titles you buy, the more resources you can access online! Look for the STUDENT CONSULT logo on your favorite Elsevier textbooks! Includes free access to an online version with purchase of the book - www.kumarandclark.com Provides the fresh perspectives of new contributors and co-contributors for many chapters. Presents a more management-orientated emphasis throughout. Offers a new section on evidence-based medicine and clinical trials. Features substantially revised chapters on infectious diseases, medical oncology, drug therapy and poisoning, nutrition, respiratory, and psychological medicine · 130 pages of new material · and many updated line drawings. Presents normal values on the inside back cover for quick and easy access.