Criminal Procedure
This contemporary, comprehensive, case-driven textbook from award-winning professor Matthew Lippman combines clear explanations of foundational concepts with thought-provoking examples to encourage students to think critically about legal principles and apply the rules of law to criminal procedure. Organized around the challenge of striking a balance between rights and liberties, Criminal Procedure, Fourth Edition emphasizes diversity and its impact on how laws are enforced. Built-in learning aids, including You Decide scenarios, Legal Equations, and Criminal Procedure in the News features, engage students and help them master key concepts. New to This Edition New U.S. Supreme Court cases help students understand the significant impact the recent decisions have on society, such as United States v. Carpenter, which raised important questions around police use of new technology. Other new cases address important issues including privacy, racial discrimination and effective assistance of counsel, search and seizure, juries, plea bargaining, the exclusionary rule, pretrial motions, and habeas corpus. Updated Criminal Procedure in the News and You Decide features keep students engaged in the content by connecting core concepts to contemporary developments in topics ranging from police use of deadly force, the Second Amendment and gun control, racial bias in jury deliberations, searches of electronic devices, and much more. New and expanded topics in criminal procedure encourage students to reflect on their growing impact. These topics include technology and the home, patterns and trends of Terry stops in major cities across the United States, racial bias in the judiciary, and the impact of the policies of the Trump administration on the use of drones, the detention of undocumented immigrants, and more. Each chapter now opens with a new Test Your Knowledge feature that encourages active reading and prepares students for the material that follows. Give your students the SAGE edge! SAGE edge offers a robust online environment featuring an impressive array of free tools and resources for review, study, and further exploration, keeping both instructors and students on the cutting edge of teaching and learning.