Climate Crisis: You & Your Garden
There are many issues and obstacles we face today. We know we all need to start somewhere and that somewhere could be right outside your front or back door. Our need to change is now, not tomorrow. There is not a single environment on the entire Earth that is not now contaminated by human activity. This will continue until our biosphere can take no more. Then, we all lose. We lose a diamond that may never exist again in any other solar system amongst billions. We are still abusing fossil fuels and the simple truth is, if we continue to pump greenhouse gases into our atmosphere, if we deforest anymore land, continue to build and extract anymore minerals from the Earth, we will cook this planet to the point no life can exist. Our very survival depends on our ability to change the way we live and that day is here, right now. So much wildlife is being lost across the globe and nearly all that loss can be attributed to human activity. Your local wildlife should be important to you and you should want to help because that unseen life those plants and creatures have all contributed to our lives in ways we are yet to fully appreciate. We can do so much more to help. We can grow many seasonal foods. We can do more than you think if the will is strong to do so. My passion for wildlife is stronger now than at any time in my life. The reason for that is because I know that the natural world needs me, and all of you, more than at any time in all of its evolutionary path. We are breaking down chains of life that can recover if we act now. We can reverse climate change but we all do need to act and not for no other reason that because you, like me, you care about our planet. If this book gives you anything, I hope it gives you a new perspective on how your garden is just as important as saving our oceans, our forests and our kaleidoscope of magical plants and creatures we are custodians of. If enough of us care, I know the future can be brighter for all, and not just the few! I have included some fun facts in this book and a month-by-month gardening guide I have compiled over three decades of gardening. There are fun ways to reuse materials to save them from landfill. Projects that are easily achieved to save money or to simply grow more of your own food to save a few bucks/pounds. In truth, your garden can be anything you want it to be. All the projects in this book are from my own endeavours in my garden to create a place for me, the food I like to grow for and the local wildlife.