This is non-fiction. From November 3, 1995 until May 15, 1996 seventy people witnessed documented events of celestial visitations. The skeptics are probably saying, "another nut case; trying to pull a scam," or just dismissing this out-of-hand. Many of the seventy who witnessed the events, can't accept it either! I have proof, yet, its taken me until now to disclose it. It is hard to believe your "lying eyes" sometimes, and your "lying ears." Shakardak, one of the visiting beings whom we called "angels," forewarned us: "Some will see and they will believe; some will not see and they will believe; some will hear and they will believe; and some will not hear and they will believe; and then there will be those who will see and they will not believe; and there will be those who will hear and they will not believe." This was written to enlighten you as to the truth of where we are in time. Awaki, Archangel Michael in this universe, instructed us:"...should those who speak unto you say, 'you are foolish and that which you saw was a deception and it cannot be,' open and you shall say unto them 'that I saw and I felt, and was not there those who saw and felt, that did not believe in Jah (Jesus)?' And you say unto them that, and then you say 'should I not be a believer of my God in obedience and faith or should you be a unbeliever in darkness and disobedience? It is your choice." In "Words From Awaki," abortions, homosexuality, creationism vs. evolution, global warming and the end of days, armageddon, the return of Jesus, spirituality, religion, heaven, hell, death, and life are all addressed by those who visited. Dare to read it!!!