Games Galore for Children's Parties and More
The most popular form of entertainment for children's birthday parties is games, games and more games. But, if the thought of playing another round of musical chairs or pin-the-tail-on-the-donkey makes you want to beg and plead with your child to settle for a party away from home, don't get on your knees just yet. Instead, take a look at these new exciting games for children to enjoy. Your guests will be pleasantly surprised when you introduce contemporary games that are fun and easy to learn. Each game outlines the following: age range, game time for eight players, materials needed, preparation, how to play and suggestions for low-cost prizes. Also included is a storytelling introduction to lead the children into the explanation of the rules for the game. Entertaining your guests with the games and activities in this book will enable you to personally experience the joy of celebrating with your child.