Dark Gods Rising
Dark Fantasy Horror Within a tavern, where the veil is thin, treachery reaches out from the madness and into our world. Of heroes and virtuous gods there are few. From the depths crawls a lowly spawn devoid of conscience. Knowing only hate and fear, he will do anything to stay out of hell. God Wars Dark Fantasy Horror trilogy - Dark Gods Rising, Abomination, Revolution Fans of the following authors are known to enjoy the God Wars Epic Fantasy Box Set: Mike Lupica Ernest Cline Daniel Arenson Kevin J. Anderson Mark Lawrence Peter V. Brett Patrick Rothfuss Brent Weeks Andrzej Sapkowski Glen Cook Steven Erikson David Gemmell Fans of the following books and series are known to enjoy the God Wars Epic Fantasy Science Fiction and Fantasy Series: Altered Carbon Dark Tower Shannara In Her Name Warded Man Game of Thrones Vikings Black Sails Keywords related to this dark fantasy horror series: Free Horror Books, Free Dark Fantasy Books, Adventure Books, Popular Series, Magical Adventures, Zombies, Sci Fi Books, Paranormal Books, Adventure Books, Roman, Devil, Fantasy Books For Adults, Science Fiction Books, Essential Reads, Dark Tower, Gothic Horror, Horror Box Set, Gods, Dark Fantasy, Darker Fantasy, Mythology Books, Series Starters, Greek, Paranormal Fantasy Books For Young Adults, Horror Bundle, Books To Read And Download, Horror Books, Sci Fi Fantasy Books, Urban Fantasy, Young Adults Books, Fantasy Stories, Darker, Werewolf, Scary, Zombie Apocalypse Books, Zombie, Gods And Mortals, War, Epic Sagas, American Gods, Science Fiction Megapack, Worlds Away, Werewolves, Science Fiction And Fantasy Books, Demons, Horror Series