Grady Mccracken and the Valley of the Chiefs
In a fallen world, where bad things happen to good people, Grady McCracken is chosen to set things right... The Hankotchetejas nation has been under the power of a foul smelling, mind-numbing potion and enslaved by Charon, their evil chief, since the loss of the sacred seeds many years ago. The Great Father has promised the restoration of justice, peace, and the righting of all evils with the return of his good son, Anomon. But before good Chief Anomon can come to power and depose his evil brother, the sacred seeds must be recovered and the people in the Valley of the Chiefs must be liberated from the evil power that binds them. A mild mannered and gentle schoolteacher, Grady McCracken, is chosen by a miniature Indian chief to travel with him into the mountains of Colorado to find the seeds, free the captives, and restore the Valley of the Chiefs to its rightful owners. In their quest for the seeds, Grady McCracken and the Chief face constant perils from the Farmundos, Charon's dangerous army. In addition, Grady's quest leads him on a path of self-discovery and spiritual evolution that will forever leave him changed. As delightfully entertaining as it is thought-provoking, Grady McCracken and the Valley of the Chiefs offers a modern day allegory that readers of all ages and backgrounds can appreciate.