What would America look like if the liberals ultimately triumph, say by the year 2050? "WTF! This is a Liberal Utopia!" - a satire on liberalism, all the unintended consequences of this heart felt way of looking at the world around oneself, usually in the cloistered halls of academia, some government agency, some left-wing, nonprofit activist organization and, or congress. A really fantabulous glimpse at what the future holds when these magnificent, starry-eyed wonders finally come out on top! By 2050, America will have gone through some slight changes thus resulting in many really noteworthy phenomena. For one, there is no longer any need for elections: there will be a "Forever President" whose last name could be 'Castro.' Furthermore, odds are 'welfare moms' will have largely replaced small business enterprises with their monthly, government stipends; most Americans will as likely as not have never worked, because it is distinctly possible that there won't be any save for those "shovel ready jobs" the Democrats will in all likelihood keep bringing up. Gaia, Mother Earth, will have probably been rescued from the threatening effects of “Global Warming,” “Global Cooling,” and “Climate Change,” by turning to more agrarian economy where ‘maze’ is likely to be the cornerstone. For those lucky enough to own wheeled transportation, they will likely be driving around in either battery-powered, bubble cars made of styrofoam, or Latino lowriders which might look a lot like sparklers driving along the potholed highways of tomorrow. The English language will have been replaced by local, cultural colloquialisms with phonetics playing the principle role for making up words and phrases and writing them out. All this and more will be seen through the eyes of one of those liberal visionaries, an Ivy League English Professor whose name is Felix Schwartz; the narrator, the author and “the reader.” A glimpse into our wondrous future and what awaits us all when the magnificent munificents are finally given the reins to take America down that ‘Yellow Brick Road’ to their utopian, imaginary 'World of OZ.' "WTF! This is a Liberal Utopia!"