Adult Bedtime Stories
These stories are fiction; even though some of the names or the similarities of events will be familiar to some of the readers. After all, how many people have the same names or have had similar experiences? The short stories that I have written deal with God, love, loyalty, greed, trust, wickedness, ungratefulness, revenge and the plain idiocy of some people. These stories also show the results of the aforementioned, when they are given to, or used against, the wrong person. I am sure, that most of you who read these short stories can relate some of the events, or the results of` a specific act, or actions to events that have happened in your own lives. For example, your love taken for granted and rewarded with deceit. Your loyalty and trust repaid by treachery, greed, or ungratefulness. The mistake that you are never forgiven for; even though they benefited greatly by your mistake! And in the end, a thank you very much that really meant, Fuck you very much, sucker! One of the stories was written in a fairy tale fashion in order to justify some of the characters¿ impossible feats. The others are written in a more contemporary fashion, lacking unnecessary and over-sophisticated words, for easier reading pleasure.