Sexuality Education in Postsecondary and Professional Training Settings
Sexuality Education in Postsecondary and Professional Training Settings keeps you up-to-date on the trends and issues in sexuality education in colleges, universities, and professional training institutions. A diverse group of authors, all experienced sexuality educators, offers summary information, critical commentary, thoughtful analysis, and projections of future trends in sexuality education in postsecondary settings. This keeps you current on the status of sexuality education and will move you to consider a variety of concerns and challenges in designing and implementing sexuality education courses and programs. Finally, the chapters present you with valuable resources, ranging from historical references to contemporary website information. Beginning with an historical perspective on twentieth-century sexuality education, Sexuality Education in Postsecondary and Professional Training Settings includes information on the nature and extent of sexuality education in contemporary colleges and universities, as well as in institutions training teachers, clergy, and physicians. The book's expert authors analyze undergraduate curricular and pedagogical issues, as well as problems in classroom climate and the challenges of meeting objectives for behavioral change. Specific topics you learn about include: guidelines for teaching undergraduate sexuality courses--with a focus on philosophical issues; how to develop objectives and implement teaching strategies; print, media, and Internet resources for teaching; and commentary on controversial issues effects of various workshops on the contraceptive-related attitudes and behaviors of college students sexuality education and HIV/AIDS prevention education in teacher preparation institutions perceptions of faculty regarding curriculum and approaches to sexuality education in clergy training institutions sexuality education in medical school curricula in the U.S. and Canada Sexuality Education in Postsecondary and Professional Training Settings is a valuable guide for sexuality educators in postsecondary settings and educators in corollary areas such as health education, educational psychology, family education, or curriculum development. Also an informative and useful text for scholars, researchers, professionals, and students in the fields of sexuality education, behavioral sciences, applied social sciences, and social policy, this book presents a variety of philosophical and methodological approaches to vital issues, ranging from qualitative phenomenological and interpretive methods to quantitative analyses to critical essays.