The Review of Contemporary Fiction
Stanley Elkin, "Joe McElroy Introduction"/Joseph McElroy, "Midcourse Corrections"/Joseph McElroy, "Canoe Repair"/Kathryn Kramer, "Dr. McElroy, Homeopath: What One Goes to Him For"/Joseph Tabbi, "'The Generous Paranoia of Those Who Pursue Themselves': McElroy, Mailer, and Ancient History"/John Johnston, "'The Dimensionless Space Between': Narrative Immanence in Joseph McElroy's Lookout Cartridge"/Gregor Campbell, "Processing Lookout Cartridge"/Robert Buckeye, Lookout Cartridge: Plans, Maps, Programs, Designs, Outlines"/Brian Stonehill, "Intimations of Human Divinity in Joseph McElroy's Lookout Cartridge"/Piotr Siemoin, "Chasing the Cartridge: On Translating McElroy"/Pamela White Hadas, "Green Thoughts on Being in Charge: Discovering Joseph McElroy's Plus"/Joan Richardson, "Metaphor Master"/Alicia M. Miller, "Power and Perception in Plus"/Frederick R. Karl, "Women and Men: More Than a Novel"/Harry Mathews, "We for One: An Introduction to Joseph McElroy's Women and Men"/Brian McHale, "Women and Men and Angels: On Joseph McElroy's Fiction"/Gene Frumkin, "A Reader's Voice: Inside Women and Men"/Tom LeClair, "Opening up Joseph McElroy's The Letter Left to Me"/Sandra Schor, "The Letter Left to Me"/Bette Ann Moskowitz, "The Letter Left to Me by The Letter Left to Me"/Stephen S. Hall, "Transcendental Meteorology and Umbrella Days: A Fan's Notes"/Steven Moore, "Joseph McElroy: A Bibliography"/Alan D. Bostick, "Thomas Bernhard: An Appreciation on the Occasion of His Death"