Yogic Powers
Yoga has become a very popular and trendy movement. While most people focus on stretching and breathing exercises, Yoga is much more than that. Yogic Powers delves deep into the psyche of Yoga. Raja Yoga: In Sanskrit, raja means 'king' or 'royal', referring to the status of Raja yoga as a "royal path" or principal form of yoga. In essence, Raja yoga in the yoga of mind and body control, with a focus on meditation and energetics. It encompasses teachings from all the different paths, and it is from Raja yoga that hatha yoga and modern asana practice developed. Since Raja yoga involves all three dimensions of human existence (physical, mental, and spiritual), it enables practitioners to achieve balance and harmony on all of these levels.Science of breath: Your body breathes on autopilot, so why worry about how to inhale and exhale when you could be mastering an arm balance? For one thing, breath control, or pranayama, is the fourth of Patanjali's eight limbs of yoga. For another, scientific research is showing that mindful breathing, paying attention to your breath and learning how to manipulate it, is one of the most effective ways to lower everyday stress levels and improve a variety of health factors ranging from mood to metabolism. It is not just breath training; it's mind training that uses the breath as a vehicle. Gnani Yoga: is a Sanskrit word that means 'knowing', 'wise', 'sage', or 'one possessing wisdom'. It is typically used to describe someone who possesses higher Self-Knowledge, or the knowledge of liberation that is gained from yogic meditation and/ or study of the scriptures. Gnani Yoga is the path of knowledge of Self-realization (meditation, contemplation, and study to gain insight).