The Wholesome Doctrine of the Gospel
The Wholesome Doctrine of the Gospel familiarizes readers with one of England’s most influential theologians, William Perkins. In the opening biographical sketch, Andrew S. Ballitch and J. Stephen Yuille give an overview of Pekins’s life, theology, and piety. Then, in thirty-two excerpts, readers learn about the relationship between faith and love from Perkins himself as he explains the foundational “grounds of doctrine to be believed” and “grounds of doctrine to be practiced.” Rather than treating theology as a subject for mere academic debate, Perkins calls for true Christian devotion that moves beyond intellectual assent to heartfelt dedication to Christ. Table of Contents: The Piety of William Perkins (1558–1602) Faith: Grounds of Doctrine to Be Believed 1. The Certainty of Scripture 2. The Sufficiency of Scripture 3. God’s Holiness 4. God’s Excellency 5. God Triune 6. God’s Sovereignty 7. God’s Mercy 8. The Supremacy of Christ 9. The Creation of Man 10. The Fall of Man 11. Law and Gospel 12. The Incarnation 13. Christ the Mediator 14. Faith 15. Justification 16. Regeneration 17. Christian Liberty 18. The Power of the Keys 19. The Church 20. The Resurrection 21. The Judgment Love: Grounds of Doctrine to Be Practiced 22. Repentance 23. Self-Denial 24. Choosing God 25. Fleeing Idolatry 26. Worshiping God 27. Sanctifying God 28. Loving Our Neighbor 29. Honoring Our Parents 30. Cultivating Virtue 31. Pursuing Our Calling 32. Holding Faith Series Description Seeking, then, both to honor the past and yet not idolize it, we are issuing these books in the series Profiles in Reformed Spirituality . The design is to introduce the spirituality and piety of the Reformed Profiles in Reformed Spirituality tradition by presenting descriptions of the lives of notable Christians with select passages from their works. This combination of biographical sketches and collected portions from primary sources gives a taste of the subjects’ contributions to our spiritual heritage and some direction as to how the reader can find further edification through their works. It is the hope of the publishers that this series will provide riches for those areas where we are poor and light of day where we are stumbling in the deepening twilight.