Flash Of Brilliance
In Flash of Brilliance, William Miller takes you on a creative journey—an adventure of discovery designed to unleash the creative spirit in yourself, your teams, and your organization. Blending research, case examples, and a highly original set of models and exercises, Miller brings your creative process alive so that it fosters personal fulfillment as it focuses creative inspiration.Flash of Brilliance offers specific techniques for recognizing your own Innovation Styles, overcoming obstacles to creativity, and stimulating people to make their most unique contributions to new products, quality processes, business strategies, and even organizational design. Miller convincingly demonstrates how your executives, team leaders, and key contributors can build a culture of ”strategic innovation management” where the best ideas rise to the top and you make proactive decisions even in unpredictable business environments.Innovation requires more than great minds, rapid learning, and new ideas. It requires your heart and soul, personal investment and courage. In this light, Miller takes you beyond the knowledge-based learning organization, beyond normal team building, and even beyond the ”creative edge” of long-standing innovative companies. Flash of Brilliance gives you practical ways to develop the profoundly more authentic and caring relationships that are essential for knowledge-creation, breakthrough creativity, and rapid implementation of great ideas.At its core, Flash of Brilliance is about achieving growth—both personal and professional—by providing everyone with the opportunity to integrate their deepest personal purposes, values, and spirit into a unified business effort. Miller even constructs the elusive bridge that links spirituality with creative business success. Ultimately, Flash of Brilliance is certain to inspire and energize you and your colleagues as you seek greater effectiveness in putting your personal values and creativity to work.