Basic Federal Income Taxation
When a casebook maintains its popularity edition after edition, As Andrews' has, you know it has proven its effectiveness. For an intelligent overview of basix taxation, there is still no better source than Basic Federal Income Taxation, now in its Fifth Edition. You'll find the features that have made the casebook so successful: author William Andrews is a leading scholar in tax law thoughtful presentation that goes beyond drilling students on IRC provisions by offering cases, notes, problems, and policy approaches to give students a solid conceptual foundation, no matter how the Code changes interesting cases that capture student attention and enliven instructors' presentation in-depth coverage of a broad range of topics, including capital gains in a trimmer, more focused book. Basic Federal Income Taxation, Fifth Edition, now offers: coverage of new Code provisions and cases a completely rewritten section on capital gains, In light of the reemergence of this issue an engrossing preview of new tax proposals being debated, such as the flat tax, and what would be involved in revamping the current Code a more concise text with a sharper focus on the material