This volume brings together thirty-two essays by William L. Petersen (1950-2006), offering an overview of his ground-breaking work on, among other things, Tatian’s Diatessaron and New Testament textual criticism.
This book chronicles the history of the Protestant Reformation in sixteenth century Geneva under the leadership of John Calvin and is the best modern study of the Genevan Reformation available. The narrative of this work is enhanced by twenty-seven tables of extensive statistical data and eleven prosopographical appendices drawn from the author's extensive studies in the Geneva archives. His work shows the challenges faced by Calvin and his associates as they sought to proclaim and enact their Christian faith in a Genevan society that was facing severe problems with the influx of refugees from all over Europe.
Here is a readable, one-evening biography of the Geneva reformer John Calvin, a Christian thinker whose teachings have influenced every aspect of modern Christian life and faith.