The Chittagong Hill Tracts
"'The Chittagong Hill Tracts : living in a borderland' examines the borderland between Burma, India and Bangladesh, inhabited by twelve distinct ethnic groups with strong cultural and linguistic links with southeast Asia. The three specialist authors of this unique book assembled more than 400 mostly unpublished photographs, many in colour, from over 50 private collections. 'The Chittagong Hill Tracts : living in a borderland' introduces the reader to the remarkable cultural variety and modern transformations of this virtually unknown region bridging southeast Asia and south Asia. At the same time it explores how, from the 1860s to the late twentieth century, photographers have portrayed the Chittagong Hill Tracts and their inhabitants. These photographers were both outsiders (travellers, officials, missionaries, anthropologists, development workers) and local people caturing their own world as they saw it. 'The Chittagong Hill Tracts' is the first comprehensive work on this complex region of Asia." -- book cover.