CRAPS:THE ULTIMATE WINNING STRATEGIES was brilliantly written after years of defining, analyzing, and establishing/illustrating criteria for effectiveness at the table. In its simplest form, author and expert, Will Thomas, Jr., reveals detailed strategies on: combinations/odds, basic table layout, game knowledge, money management, table survey, determining risk levels, coming-out strategy, basic strategy, ultimate strategy and knowing when to walk away. Will Thomas on Craps: The Ultimate Winning Strategies... In order to become a winner and beat the casinos at their game you have to become a student of the game. Practice, practice, and practice again my strategies for success and no longer feel intimidated by casinos. Trust me! Luck has nothing to do with winning in this game called Craps. It's how you prepare, approach and execute my winning strategies. Please keep in mind that most books on Craps teach you the language, rules, how to play and some strategies for losing more often than winning! Even the basic table layout is 90% camouflage and filled with losing proposition bets! My book will focus on the remaining 10% and how you can maximize your bets. I will be covering most of those concerns from a slightly different perspective. My main objective of this book is to share with my reader's years of ups and downs of competing with the casinos and what I believe to have discovered -- the ultimate winning strategies that you too can use to start recuperating some of your losses and become a force to be reckoned with. As a retired documentation control specialist for manufacturers, Aerospace, Department of Defense and the semiconductor industry, I've applied these skills and perspectives to create a winning matrix in Craps: The Ultimate Winning Strategies. Prior to completing my ultimate winning strategies, the casinos would win every single time. Some call it donating or paying my dues. My wife and friends called me stupid for wasting time and giving the casinos my hard earned cash! By learning and applying Craps: The Ultimate Winning Strategies, you'll be prepared to recognize the constantly changing table conditions and know when to walk away! I've learned over the years that one thing is for sure, your numbers will come up! The trick is knowing when; it's all about consistency, how well you prepare and making the right choices to becomes "As Good As Any and Better Than Most." Knowing when to walk away gives you time to re-evaluate your strategies; it gives you a chance to recognize that the dice are not in your favor at this time, You've tested the waters and it's just not your time! It's very similar to any professional sport; you have to let the game come to you! And believe me, you will know when it's your turn to burn! Respect the game for what it is and you can't change its primary function for winning.You can only change your own prospects for winning by applying Craps: The Ultimate Winning Strategies and by mastering my strategies the game in turn will ultimately treat you accordingly! That is "As Good As Any and Better Than Most."