Very few games seek to redefine the conventions of roleplaying as does the Mind's Eye Theatre line. There are no tables or dice involved in Mind's Eye Theatre games. Instead, you become a part of the story. You assume the role of your character as soon as you step through the door, enacting every action, movement and gesture. For the purposes of the game, you are your character. The quarterly magazine of new rules, plots and ideas for Mind's Eye.
What are we? The Damned childer of caine? The grotesque lords of humanity? The pitiful wretches of eternal hell? We are vampires, and that is enough. I am a vampire, and that is far more than enough. I am that which must be feared, worshipped and adored. The world is mine -- now and forever. No one holds command over me. No man. No god. No prince. What is a claim of age for ones who are immortal? What is a claim of power for ones who defy death? Call your damnable hunt. We shall see whom I drag screaming to hell with me. Secret rules and powers for this hidden sect.
Clans, bloodlines, disciplines, character creation, derangements, influences, merits, flaws, paths, archetypes, abilities, FAQs. Everything you need to be a vampire. It's in here. All of it.