Why Marry a Millionaire? Just Be One!
If you like Oprah, The Secret, Think and Grow Rich, 4-Hour Work Week, Science of Mind, and are drawn to law-of-attraction work, you will absolutely love this book! Stop complaining about money and create a revolution! The problem most people have right now is not having enough balance, fulfillment, or money -- can you relate? Fifty percent of all divorces are about money; 95 percent of all people over 65 in the USA will be broke. If you keep doing what you've been doing, will you be able to retire with the lifestyle you dream of? That is what this book is about. Wendy Robbins went from having $10,000 of credit-card debt to making millions with The Tingler head massager. She and her partner made a lot of mistakes; and had no mentor, clients, system, or experience. She failed many times, so if she can do it, you can do it, too! Now you don't have to waste time or money, because Wendy will be your coach and show you how to develop a million-dollar mind-set! The first half of this book is about how to master this mind-set--how to create the wow of now, and how to live and love richly. Wendy will show you how to make money doing what you love. You will also discover how to overcome your fears and doubts, improve your leadership skills, and live like a millionaire even if you're broke. The second half of the book is full of practical, proven, step-by-step million-dollar systems that will teach you how to make money and how to pitch your ideas to buyers and investors so they beg you to do business with them. Would you like to know those secrets? Then start reading . . . now!