Professional Cooking for Canadian Chefs
The new edition of a classic bestseller Wayne Gisslen’s Professional Cooking has helped train hundreds of thousands of professional chefs–with clear, detailed instruction in the cooking theory and techniques necessary to meet the demands of the professional kitchen. Now, with 1,100 recipes and more information than ever before, this beautifully revised and updated edition helps culinary students and aspiring chefs gain the tools and confidence they need to succeed as they build their careers in the field today. What’s new in the Fifth Edition New information on Canadian inspection and grading–of meat, poultry, seafood, dairy products, and eggs Nearly 100 new recipes–along with more than 100 recipes from the master chefs of Le Cordon Bleu Expanded and updated information–featuring two new chapters on sausages and pâtés, plus new material on game (birds and animals), and more Hundreds of new color photographs–illustrating ingredients, step-by-step techniques, and plated dishes in splendid visual detail Stunning new design–introducing a pedagogical use of color to make it easy to find information quickly FREE ChefTec™ CD-ROM–packed with recipes from the book and professional-level functionality, including automatic recipe resizing, U.S./metric conversions, recipe costing, purchasing lists, nutritional analysis, and instant searching and sorting