Living a Sustainable Lifestyle for Our Children's Children
Global population growth is putting our children and grandchildren at risk. Living a Sustainable Lifestyle for Our Children's Children shows how sustainable development is a process of living that cuts across many of the major concerns facing society today and establishes how we can move beyond these present risks. It presents an easy to understand description of sustainability, where humans find the means to coexist in a manner that maintains biodiversity, wildlands, and decent environments while also achieving economic prosperity and equality, present and future. The book challenges people to transform their awareness of human-nature interactions into a deeper commitment to both protecting and wisely using our global natural resources. Going beyond science, technology, and politics, this book discusses how we live and why we live the way we do, while addressing the basics of life: how to know what is in our water, air, food, and land. The good news is, a shift to sustainable development is occurring. Ordinary people living ordinary lives, looking at how they live, how that in turn affects nature, and how fundamental nature is to our existence, is the beginning. And, this book poses tough questions, not for another debate, but to initiate reader awareness, understanding, and motion. We hope to advance understanding of what people can do differently to alter the surging tide of material inequity and declining resources by offering numerous alternatives for the individual considering their ability to make a difference.