Faith Adrift Christianity is a biblical response to a devastating form of Christianity that has gripped the heart and soul of many "Christians" and their churches, namely, that of nominal Christianity. This form of Christianity is counterfeit at its best and is one of the greatest challenges facing the church today, whether Protestant, Catholic, or Orthodox. It is estimated that an alarming 75% of professing Christians are living lifeless forms of their faith. Although so many identify as Christians, something is strangely wrong. Sadly, wavering in the Christian faith is more common than not. Millions of professing Christians in America and Europe are adrift spiritually and indifferent to Jesus Christ and his church. This deceptive form of Christianity is not only personally detrimental to the Christian but devastating to the life of the local church. Being a weak form of Christianity, the church loses its saltiness and its light dims. It nullifies its penetrating and powerful outreach into society. If not countered, Christians will continue to drift toward the sea of nominally, having nothing but a token relationship with God. For this reason, Faith Adrift Christianity is an indispensable guide because it reveals, counters, and provides answers from a biblical perspective to churches regarding those who profess Christ, yet live lapsed Christian lives. The uniqueness of Faith Adrift Christianity is its biblical analysis as to why people manifest an aloofness regarding God. Yet, it does not merely cite the problems and leave the reader adrift, for it offers effective means to combat this very troublesome challenge.