Forest Tribology And Anthropology
This book is designed to present introductory information on tribes especially on characteristics, family, distribution, dialect, demography, economy, kinship, marriage, dormitory, religion, culture, magic, role in forest development, symbiotic relationship, anthropological aspects of tribe and the tribal development through various plans, schemes and programmes. Presently, there is no text book available that comprehensively covers the syllabus prescribed for Forest Tribology and Anthropology course in the Forestry degree programme. Authors have attempted to fill this gap by collecting and compiling all the necessary information on tribals of India at one place in the form of textbook. The entire material is presented in simple language for easy understanding and supported with latest data and research findings. This book is expected to serve as an excellent text book for undergraduates and post graduates in forestry colleges and related disciplines. It will serves as a reference book for students, teachers, foresters, policy makers, anthropologists, research workers, aspirants of competitive exams and general readers as well.