Crossing the Sea
It is necessary to realize that there are only refugees who have been forced through political reasons to leave Vietnam, and they are political asylum seekers. Most are likely to be former military personnel and administrative officials or so of the republic of Vietnam. And there are no refugees to leave their home country through economic reasons. Vietnamese refugees have been living in Australia for almost thirty-five years since the Vietnam War, which ended on 30-04-1975.They have achieved a lot of success in various fields in the country of residence. They have also contributed a lot to the receiving country so far. Therefore, attitudes toward them have changed significantly and greatly. As I mentioned earlier, absolutely no one would have left their home country for another country if they had found a genuine democracy and freedom and a free market economy in communist Vietnam. Australia and its people has opened the arms widely and generously giving me a good opportunity to better rebuild my life. With all my true heart, I gratefully recognize the Australian humanity. Even though I live in Australia, I will never ever turn back to my country of birth. I love my country of birth, Vietnam, and I am grateful to the country of residence, Australia. In summary, as a refugee, I have faced a lot of difficulties, challenges, and even risks to escape Vietnam. However, I can enjoy freedom, democracy, and especially new opportunities that open to me in Australia.