On That Day
From public school to homeschool, here's Haven! Haven Jennings is the center of this lighthearted (sometimes laugh out loud) comedy. She is quick-witted, somewhat humorous, and a little bit worldly as she spent a good majority of her growing up years in the "dark side of education," as her homeschool friends would laughingly describe the public-school system. Haven attends an early morning Bible study with her mother and gifted brother Delbert. While Delbert is in the study to become biblically knowledgeable, Haven is in it for the social aspects. And what a social time she has as the Bible study is made up of supremely unique and awkward characters that are perfecting their craft in the art of socializing with other teens. One teen in particular, named Aaron, is new to the study. Haven happens to notice that not only is he nice looking, but he knows Haven's favorite TV family, the Duggars, of which Haven happens to be a fan of epic proportions. Because Haven wants so badly to know about these people, she believes that she can conjure up a friendship that is perfectly within appropriate boundaries with Aaron, as she finds out in the meantime that Aaron happens to be in a courtship with a girl back in his home town. Things become sticky when Haven, who has other guy friends within the Bible study, finds it difficult to have a friendship with Aaron. Something just isn't right about their relationship. In the end, Haven learns that blessing follows obedience, and obedience, while not always the easiest or plainest choice to make, definitely reaps its own rewards. Haven is hoping for the reward of meeting the famous family, and just maybe, she will, as the Lord only knows what is planned to happen On That Day.