Acuff Soils--
With a land area of 1.12 million acres, Acuff soils are among the major arable soils in Texas. A small area of Acuff soils also occurs in eastern New Mexico. The area of Acuff soils is bounded by the Pullman soil area on the north and east, the caprock escarpment at the High Plains-Rolling Plains boundary on the south-east, the Edwards Plateau escarpment on the south, and a catena of sandy soils extending from Stanton, Texas, to Clovis, New Mexico, on the southwest. Acuff soils occupy about 30 percent of the land within this area. The remaining areas is composed mainly of soils having similar morphology and occupying similar landscape positions . About 73 percent of the Acuff soil area is cropland, 25 percent is range land, and the remainder is in towns, roadsand other non-agricultural uses . Irrigation is used on about 52 percent of the cropland area. Major crops are cotton, wheat, grain sorghum, and corn. To determine the variability of soil characteristics, Acuff soils were sampled at 12 widely separated locations. The profiles were described in the field at sampling time, and samples were analyzed in the laboratory for sand, silt, and clay content; pH; bulk density; CaCO3 equivalent; and water retention. Plant-available water was calculated from horizon thickness, bulk density, and water retention values. Water infiltration was measured at the sampling sites. The thickness of the profiles was highly variable, ranging from a depth of 35 inches to a calcic horizon at Sites 9 and 10 in Dawson and Howard ...