At the request of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), the Transportation Research Board of the National Research Council assembled an expert committee to provide advice on alternative strategies that might be adopted to meet long-term airport capacity needs. The committee was charged with four tasks: (1) to examine long-term airport capacity needs and measures to meet these needs; (2) to formulate alternative strategies reflecting varying assumptions about the growth of air traffic and intercity travel demand, technological development, government roles, and institutional arrangements; (3) to identify the advantages and disadvantages of these strategies; and (4) to recommend strategies for further analysis and evaluation by FAA. This report presents the committee's findings.
The conference on Setting an Intermodal Research Framework brought together a distinguished assembly of public officials, academicians, commercial leaders, and military specialists. During the conference, each of these groups of professionals found noteworthy synergies in their intermodal interests. Papers contained in these proceedings reflect those synergies. The conference was another step toward a strengthened intermodal partnership.
"This is a staff digest of the progress and status of TCRP Project J-7, "Synthesis of information related to transit problems," for which the Transportation Research Board is the agency conducting the research. Individual studies for the report are managed by Donna L. Vlasak ... with assistance from Jon Williams ..."