Ashes of Foreverland
Tyler Ballard was in prison when his son created a dreamworld called Foreverland, a place so boundless and spellbinding that no one ever wanted to leave. Or did. Now his son is dead, his wife is comatose and Tyler is still imprisoned.But he planned it that way.The final piece of his vision falls into place when Alessandra Diosa investigates the crimes of Foreverland. Tyler will use her to create a new dimension of reality beyond anything his son ever imagined--a Foreverland for the entire world.Danny, living outside of Spain since escaping the very first Foreverland, begins receiving mysterious clues that lead him to Cyn. They are both Foreverland survivors, but they have more in common than survival. They become pieces of another grand plan, one designed to stop Tyler Ballard. No one knows who is sending the clues, but some suspect Reed, another Foreverland survivor. Reed, however, is dead.Everyone will make one last trip back to Foreverland to find out who sent them. And why.INTERVIEW WITH THE AUTHORHOW IMPORTANT ARE NAMES TO YOU IN THIS BOOK. DID YOU CHOOSE THEM BASED ON SOUND OR MEANING?Almost all of my books have names with special meaning, some foreshadowing a big twist. In The Annihilation of Foreverland, Reed's name was symbolic of his ability to tolerate suffering, bending in the face of gale forces but never breaking.WHERE DOES YOUR TOMORROW SPRING FROM? IN OTHER WORDS, HOW DID YOU COME UP WITH THE CRAZY WORLD?Sometimes, I can't remember how the story started by the time I get to the end. The Annihilation of Foreverland started with the premise of identity. I wanted to write it as a YA book in the science fiction dystopia genre in a way that slowly unfolded as well as questioned who we are and explore our fear of death, and what we're willing to do to avoid it. Like all of my stories, it does have a romantic angle mixed into the action. Because it should.GIVE YOUR BOOK THE BECHDEL TEST. IT HAS TO HAVE AT LEAST TWO (NAMED) WOMEN IN IT WHO TALK TO EACH OTHER ABOUT SOMETHING BESIDES A MAN.I failed because there's only one female in The Annihilation of Foreverland. However, the young adult sequel (Foreverland is Dead) passes with flying colors since its mostly female characters that rarely talk about men.WHAT SORT OF BODY COUNT ARE WE TALKING HERE?The bodies die, but not necessarily the characters. Chew on that a second.DO YOU WANT YOUR TOMORROW TO MAKE IT BIG, AS IN JK ROWLINGS-BIG? WHY OR WHY NOT?Believe it or not, no. Don't get me wrong, I'd like to make enough cash to pay off this house and send my kids to college, but I'll pass on fame and fortune. Anonymity is a blessing.YOU CAST YOUR CHARACTERS FOR A MOVIE. WHO MAKES IT?In The Annihilation of Foreverland, I only casted two characters in my head while I was writing it. The Director is Jeff Bridges and Mr. Jones is Anthony Hopkins. It was like watching a movie as I wrote.HAVE YOU WRITTEN IN ANY OTHER GENRES BESIDES YA DYSTOPIAN? WHAT DREW YOU TO YOU THIS GENRE?I've been fascinated by consciousness, identity and what this all means since I was young. I would read my grandfather's science fiction books with elements of artificial intelligence and alternate realities and wonder what happened when they died? I suppose that's why all of my writing deals with the big mysteries of life in one way or another. In a way, I write for my own exploration, in a sort of thought experiment approach, pulling apart our identities, exploring what makes us who we are. If I lost my memories, would I still be me? If I had my body parts replaced with synthetic replications, at what point would I not be me? Do I even need a body?What am I?Since all of my books have a romantic element, I thought I would write a romance novel. Halfway through...