Project X Origins Graphic Texts: Grey-Dark Red+ Book Bands, Oxford Levels 14-2
Project X Origins is a ground-breaking guided reading programme for the whole school. Action-packed stories, fascinating non-fiction, carefully selected poetry and comprehensive guided reading support meet the needs of children at every stage of their reading development.This exciting Graphic Texts pack contains 28 reading books, 1 each of: Chasing Birdy, The Wind in the Willows, The Pelican Chorus and other poems,Great Artists, Time Stealer, The Jungle Book, If and other poems, Great Inventors, The Sands of Deception, The Secret Garden, I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud and other poems, Great Naturalists, The Jurchen Recruits, Treasure Island, The PiedPiper of Hamelin, Great Space Explorers, Time's Pendulum, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, Jabberwocky and other poems, Great Scientists, Antarctic Ambush, The Call of the Wild, The Raven and other poems, Great Engineers, Time Runs Out, Oliver Twist, For the Fallen and other poems, Great Pioneers. In addition, this pack contains 7 sets of guided readingnotes and 1 teaching handbook.