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Targeted Radionuclide Therapy
Targeted Radionuclide Therapy
Radioimmunotherapy, also known as systemic targeted radiation therapy, uses antibodies, antibody fragments, or compounds as carriers to guide radiation to the targets. It is a topic rapidly increasing in importance and success in treatment of cancer patients. This book represents a comprehensive amalgamation of the radiation physics, chemistry, radiobiology, tumor models, and clinical data for targeted radionuclide therapy. It outlines the current challenges and provides a glimpse at future directions. With significant advances in cell biology and molecular engineering, many targeting constructs are now available that will safely deliver these highly cytotoxic radionuclides in a targeted fashion. A companion website includes the full text and an image bank.
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Tod Robbins
Tod Robbins
Clarence "Tod" Robbins is best known for his short tales of the bizarre. However, his talent was not confined solely to human oddities and deranged criminals. This collection attempts to give the reader a full overview of his work. This book contains the most complete biography of Tod Robbins to date, as well as an anthology of his work. In addition to the biography, this collection contains three novels, one novella, three short stories, and one book of poetry by Tod Robbins. There is also a complete bibliography of all of Robbins' known works. The anthology contains: Silent, White And Beautiful For Art’s Sake The Unholy Three Who Wants A Green Bottle? Wild Wullie The Waster The Scales Of Justice And Other Poems The Spirit Of The Town Red Of Surley
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An Introduction to the Old Testament, Third Edition
An Introduction to the Old Testament, Third Edition
In this updated edition of the popular textbook An Introduction to the Old Testament, Walter Brueggemann and Tod Linafelt introduce the reader to the broad theological scope of the Old Testament, treating some of the most important issues and methods in contemporary biblical interpretation. This clearly written textbook focuses on the literature of the Old Testament as it grew out of religious, political, and ideological contexts over many centuries in Israel's history. Covering every book in the Old Testament (arranged in canonical order), the authors demonstrate the development of theological concepts in biblical writings from the Torah through postexilic Judaism. Incorporating the most current scholarship, this new edition also includes concrete tips for doing close readings of the Old Testament text, and a chapter on ways to read Scripture and respond in light of pressing contemporary issues, such as economic inequality, racial and gender justice, and environmental degradation. This introduction invites readers to engage in the construction of meaning as they venture into these timeless texts.
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Freaks and Fantasies
Freaks and Fantasies
FREAKS AND FANTASIES is a collection of short stories by Tod Robbins, who is known for writing the story "Spurs" that inspired the film, FREAKS. In his introduction, Chris Mikul tells you all about this mysterious writer who influenced so many pulp writers. The stories in the book are: Crimson Flowers - The Thrill Book, 1 October 1919 Silent, White and Beautiful - Smart Set, April 1918 Spurs - Munsey's Magazine, February 1923 Who Wants a Green Bottle? - All-Story Weekly, 12 December 1918 The Bibulous Baby - The Thrill Book, 1 July 1919 Wild Wullie the Waster - All-Story Weekly, 14 February 1920 Toys of Fate - Munsey's Magazine, January 1921 An Eccentric - The Thrill Book, 1 October 1919 (credited to 'Roy Leslie') The Whimpus - Famous Fantastic Mysteries, Septem-ber/October 1939 A Bit of a Banshee - Forum, December 1924 The Son of Shaemas O'Shea - Who Wants a Green Bottle? and Other Uneasy Tales (Philip Allan, 1926) A Voice from Beyond - The Thrill Book, 15 July 1919 Cock-Crow Inn - Mystery Magazine, 1 March 1926 The Confession - Thrills (Philip Allan, 1935)
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Canoeing the Mountains
Canoeing the Mountains
Do you ever feel that you are leading in uncharted territory? Pastor and consultant Tod Bolsinger draws on decades of expertise guiding churches and organizations in this expanded practical leadership resource, offering illuminating insights and practical tools to help you reimagine what effective church leadership looks like in our rapidly changing world.
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A System of Surgery
A System of Surgery
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Behaviour for Learning
Behaviour for Learning
Behaviour for Learning offers teachers a clear conceptual framework for making sense of the many behaviour management strategies on offer, allowing them to make a critical assessment of their appropriateness and effectiveness in the classroom, and assisting them to promote closer links between ‘behaviour’ and ‘learning’. Now in a fully updated second edition, the book focuses on how teachers can provide a safe and secure setting where positive relationships are fostered, placing increased emphasis on learning behaviours that contribute to pupils’ cognitive, social and emotional development. The book is full of practical approaches that can help teachers support pupils to achieve, relate to others and develop behaviours that characterise self-esteem, confidence and resilience. It includes chapters covering: • relationship with the curriculum, relationship with self and relationship with others; • whole-school approaches and the school behaviour policy; • reframing special educational needs; • dealing with more challenging behaviour; • transitions. This second edition also includes an updated emphasis on the links between mental health, behaviour and relationships in schools, and reflects Department for Education advice for school staff, changes to the National Curriculum and the new SEND Code of Practice. Through the application of the Behaviour for Learning framework, the book encourages teachers to address the needs of pupils who exhibit behavioural difficulties, whilst still pursuing excellence in teaching and learning for all pupils. It is a compelling and essential read for all trainees and practising teachers, CPD coordinators and other professionals working with children in schools.
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Computational Contact and Impact Mechanics
Computational Contact and Impact Mechanics
Many physical systems require the description of mechanical interaction across interfaces if they are to be successfully analyzed. Examples in the engineered world range from the design of prosthetics in biomedical engi neering (e. g. , hip replacements); to characterization of the response and durability of head/disk interfaces in computer magnetic storage devices; to development of pneumatic tires with better handling characteristics and increased longevity in automotive engineering; to description of the adhe sion and/or relative slip between concrete and reinforcing steel in structural engineering. Such mechanical interactions, often called contact/impact in teractions, usually necessitate at minimum the determination of areas over which compressive pressures must act to prevent interpenetration of the mechanical entities involved. Depending on the application, frictional be havior, transient interaction of interfaces with their surroundings (e. g. , in termittent stick/slip), thermo-mechanical coupling, interaction with an in tervening lubricant and/or fluid layer, and damage of the interface (i. e. , wear) may also be featured. When taken together (or even separately!), these features have the effect of making the equations of mechanical evolu tion not only highly nonlinear, but highly nonsmooth as well. While many modern engineering simulation packages possess impressive capabilities in the general area of nonlinear mechanics, it can be contended that methodologies typically utilized for contact interactions are relatively immature in comparison to other components of a nonlinear finite element package, such as large deformation kinematics, inelastic material modeling, nonlinear equation solving, or linear solver technology.
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