Ideas and Aims with Mywritinglab with Etext -- Access Card Package
NOTE: Before purchasing, check with your instructor to ensure you select the correct ISBN. Several versions of Pearson's MyLab & Mastering products exist for each title, and registrations are not transferable. To register for and use Pearson's MyLab & Mastering products, you may also need a Course ID, which your instructor will provide. Used books, rentals, and purchases made outside of Pearson If purchasing or renting from companies other than Pearson, the access codes for Pearson's MyLab & Mastering products may not be included, may be incorrect, or may be previously redeemed. Check with the seller before completing your purchase. For courses in Developmental Writing. This package includes MyWritingLab(tm). A one-of-a-kind resource to improve writing skills IDEAS and Aims fulfills a growing need in our classrooms for a different approach and a different type of writing textbook. Its consistent focus on subject, purpose, audience, and genre leads students to effectively analyze writing situations they will encounter in their classes and beyond. This is accomplished through use of an easy to remember template called IDEAS [Interest, Details, Explanation, Audience, and Style] helping students see writing not only as an important academic tool but as a necessary skill for their personal and professional lives. Personalize Learning with MyWritingLab (tm) This title is also available with MyWritingLab--an online homework, tutorial, and assessment program designed to engage students and improve results. Within its structured environment, students practice what they learn, test their understanding, and pursue a personalized study plan that helps them better absorb course material and understand difficult concepts. A full Pearson e-text version of IDEAS and Aims is available in MyWritingLab, complemented by plentiful sample documents, videos, and exercises arranged in a learning path specific to this text. 032188180X / 9780321881809 IDEAS and Aims with MyWritingLab with eText - Access Card Package Package consists of: 0133944131 / 9780133944136 MyWritingLab with Pearson eText - Glue in Access Card 013394414X / 9780133944143 MyWritingLab with Pearson eText - Inside Star Sticker 0205830609 / 9780205830602 IDEAS and Aims