Yost Family History
This book was over four years in the writing. It is a comprehensive history of the Yost family line. From the Yost name originating in Southern Germany in the 12th Century to the first Yost's to come to America including Hans Casper Yost and his brothers and sisters. The book is 564 pages. It contains Census, Land Grants, War Records, and family photos tracing the Yost family as they spread across America. The book also contains information and proof of famous Yost's including John Yost who made a rifle for President George Washington in March 1770 for 6 and 10 Shillings. Fielding "Hurry Up" Yost famous for the "Points a minute" football team. It contains numerous family names as the Yost's men and women married, Ammon, Anderson, Alexander, Balmer, Beecher, Best, Bickle, Boggs, Blake, Bonham, Bourne, Boyd, Brizendine, Buchanan, Buno, Burns, Carnes, Carlsen, Carter, Chambers, Chavez, Cheney, Chitwood, Clover, Cluck, Cook, Cooper, Cummins, Dahl, Daughtery, DeMers, Dial, Diggins, Dunn, Eagon, Early, Edgman, Emils, Estes, Faubion, Fletcher, Francis, Franklin, Frame, Fudge, Gardner, Gill, Goodner, Goodpasture, Gose, Gregg, Greiner, Grossclose, Groseclose, Hack, Haff, HaHa, Hamilton, Harrison, Hendrix, Herring, Hobbs, Hodge, Holodinski, Hopkins, Horne, Hostetter, Jackson, James, Jones, Jonson, Johnson, Jones, Josselet, Keller, Kennedy, Kern, Kidd, Knox, Kokendoffer, Kraft, Lancaster, Lewis, Louthan, Maretta, Marshall, Martin, McBride, McConnell, McCormick, McDonald, McGrady, McGregor, McNally, McLean, Messman, Mitchem, Mobley, Monroe, Moore, Morris, Moseley, Moerschel, Murry, Nance, Norcross, Nuckles, Nutz, Owens, Palum, Paul, Poe, Prine, Proctor, Qualls, Raynes, Reed, Richards, Rister, Roberts, Romkey, Rowell, Rush, Saint, Schureman, Schroeder, Schwartz, Scott, Shawver, Sheffer, Shilling, Shipman, Shrader, Sibley, Skinner, Smith, Spencer, Stadler, Stewart, Stoots, Stratton, Stump, Swanwich, Sutton, Talor, Terrel, Townsend, Turner, Valenzuela, Waggoner, Warden, Warren, White, Whitman, Wilbanks, Willard, Winchester, Woland, Womble, Woodward, Yarmuk, Wygal, Zagarola, Zimmerman. And there are others. If you have a Yost in your family line, you will want this book.