Nefarious Inside
“Leave this alone'! If you do not Evil will come for you!" Time's would be tough for fourteen year old Bridgit Monroe who is only five foot even with long black hair and green eyes and smooth skin and tanned but then they always were. It seemed born into a legacy of old ancient beliefs from her father's side, whom died when she was only eight year's old from a car accident while on a business trip to London. He always seemed to share all he knew of his family heritage with her, which was shrouded in Pagan culture but Bridgit's mother never did approve. Prologue All the spirits in the world could not convince Mrs. Ann Monroe, who was strict, upstanding and proper and would not hear of such silliness about the paranormal world. To her it was anything but normal and not to be tampered with, her rules were her rules, and she made sure that Bridgit new that. Born and raised in Salem Massachusetts, in a nice 3-bedroom manor, one of the oldest in Salem, all stone and wood on Charter Street. Bridgit would no doubt be exposed to the world of witches and spirit's and she knew her mother did not approve but Ann would be sure to keep her from anything religious other than church and Bridgit knew secrecy was the best policy. The only other person that knew Bridgit's secret was Abigail Bishop, at fourteen year's old herself and five foot four with blonde hair, blue eyes and a few freckles, being a mild mannered girl and Bridgit's best friend. Abigail lived right next door to her in an old Victorian style manor house made of brick. Abby lives’ with her mother (Carol) and father (Miles). Abigail was an only child as well and that made for a lot of good fun for the two girl's because they would sneak out late at night to visit The Old Burying Point which is the oldest cemetery in Salem erected in sixteen thirty two. This is where they would go and try to contact spirits of the dead. Bridgit was mischievous but daring and a little reckless and loved to wear the things that reflected how she was, black nail polish, black lipstick, black clothing. The only problem here was she could only wear these things at Abigail's house when she would spend the night and her mother wouldn't know. Bridgit's room was just as she wanted it, everything black from her bed to her curtains, she even had a black apple computer complete with bookcases. Now the inside of the Monroe house was more modern having been remodeled before they moved in, having bright colored furniture, carpeting in every room except the kitchen and bathroom's complete with bay window's. Nothing less would do for Mrs. Monroe, the yard out front was just as big as the back, sitting on sixty acres with a long winding driveway with rose bushes leading up to the front door and lady Gloria statues flanking the door's, the back yard having a big pond and an old barn that's been there for god knows how long and Ann thinks it is an eyesore and was where Bridgit would spend time alone when she was not at Abigail’s. Now Abigail's house was more original, more antique and everything Bridgit loved having, antique furniture and old rug's that were imported from Asia covering some of the hardwood flooring. Abigail's room was what Bridgit loved the most, original dark hardwood flooring, black drapes, black furniture and paranormal portraits hanging on the walls of the room with candles of every color it seemed. Maybe that's why Bridgit liked it there so much, Abigail's front yard was as big as Bridgit's lined with tall boxed shrub's that led to the front door on an old cobblestone drive that ran into the walk way and three trees that stood out in the middle of the yard, in the back of the manor there was a pool that was built into the ground and a hot tub with a patio, a grill and chairs with some other yard toy's that's been there since Abigail was younger. Abigail was daring, as well and mild but she was faithful and a follower so she would pretty much do what Bridgit wanted to do.