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Organizing the Lakota
Organizing the Lakota
In 1933 the United States Office of Indian Affairs began a major reform of Indian policy, organizing tribal governments under the provisions of the Indian Reorganization Act and turning over the administration of reservations to these new bodies. Organizing the Lakota considers the implementation of this act among the Lakota (Western Sioux or Teton Dakota) from 1933 through 1945. Biolsi pays particular attention to the administrative means by which the OIA retained the power to design and implement tribal "self-government" as well as the power to control the flow of critical resources—rations, relief employment, credit—to the reservations. He also shows how this imbalance of power between the tribes and the federal bureaucracy influenced politics on the reservations, and argues that the crisis of authority faced by the Lakota tribal governments among their own would-be constituents—most dramatically demonstrated by the 1973 Wounded Knee occupation—is a direct result of their disempowerment by the United States.
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Radiation in Space: Relevance and Risk for Human Missions
Radiation in Space: Relevance and Risk for Human Missions
This volume of the series Springer Briefs in Space Life Sciences explains the physics and biology of radiation in space, defines various forms of cosmic radiation and their dosimetry, and presents a range of exposure scenarios. It also discusses the effects of radiation on human health and describes the molecular mechanisms of heavy charged particles’ deleterious effects in the body. Lastly, it discusses countermeasures and addresses the vital question: Are we ready for launch? Written for researchers in the space life sciences and space biomedicine, and for master’s students in biology, physics, and medicine, the book will also benefit all non-experts endeavouring to understand and enter space.
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Oncology of Infancy and Childhood E-Book
Oncology of Infancy and Childhood E-Book
To address the growing complexities of childhood cancer, Nathan and Oski’s Hematology and Oncology of Infancy and Childhood has now been separated into two distinct volumes. With this volume devoted strictly to pediatric oncology, and another to pediatric hematology, you will be on the cutting edge of these two fields. This exciting new, full-color reference provides you with the most comprehensive, authoritative, up-to-date information for diagnosing and treating children with cancer. It brings together the pathophysiology of disease with detailed clinical guidance on diagnosis and management for the full range of childhood cancers, including aspects important in optimal supportive care. Written by the leading names in pediatric oncology, this resource is an essential tool for all who care for pediatric cancer patients. Offers comprehensive coverage of all pediatric cancers, including less common tumors, making this the most complete guide to pediatric cancer. Covers emerging research developments in cancer biology and therapeutics, both globally and in specific pediatric tumors. Includes a section on supportive care in pediatric oncology, written by authors who represent the critical subdisciplines involved in this important aspect of pediatric oncology. Uses many boxes, graphs, and tables to highlight complex clinical diagnostic and management guidelines. Presents a full-color design that includes clear illustrative examples of the relevant pathology and clinical issues, for quick access to the answers you need. Incorporates the codified WHO classification for all lymphomas and leukemias.
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Sustainable Tourism
Sustainable Tourism
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Nathan and Oski's Hematology and Oncology of Infancy and Childhood E-Book
Nathan and Oski's Hematology and Oncology of Infancy and Childhood E-Book
Written by the leading names in pediatric oncology and hematology, Nathan and Oski's Hematology and Oncology of Infancy and Childhood offers you the essential tools you need to overcome the unique challenges and complexities of childhood cancers and hematologic disorders. Meticulously updated, this exciting full-color set brings together the pathophysiology of disease with detailed clinical guidance to provide you with the most comprehensive, authoritative, up-to-date information for diagnosing and treating children. - Form a definitive diagnosis and create the best treatment plans possible with comprehensive coverage of all pediatric cancers, including less-common tumors, as well as all hematologic disorders, including newly recognized ones. - Develop a thorough, understanding of the underlying science of diseases through summaries of relevant pathophysiology balanced with clear, practical clinical guidance. Nathan and Oski's is the only comprehensive product on the market that relates pathophysiology in such depth to hematologic and oncologic diseases affecting children. - Quickly and effortlessly access the key information you need with the help of a consistent organization from chapter to chapter and from volume to volume. - Stay at the forefront of your field thanks to new and revised chapters covering topics such as paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria, lysosomal storage diseases, childhood genetic predisposition to cancer, and oncology informatics. - Learn about the latest breakthroughs in diagnosis and management, making this the most complete guide in pediatric hematology and oncology. - Discover the latest in focused molecularly targeted therapies derived from the exponential growth of knowledge about basic biology and genetics underlying the field. - Rely on it anytime, anywhere! Access the full text, images, and more at Expert Consult.
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Breed Predispositions to Disease in Dogs and Cats
Breed Predispositions to Disease in Dogs and Cats
This unique resource brings together valuable information on breed-related diseases in one quick-reference volume. Divided into one section for dogs and another for cats, inherited and other prevalent disorders are listed breed-by-breed. The final section describes each of the disorders in more detail. All the information is drawn from high-quality sources, including research journals and veterinary texts, with extensive references provided. This invaluable reference helps veterinary professionals to advise clients on their choice of breed and what problems to look out for. Whether you're a veterinarian, geneticist, a breeder, or a pet owner, this fully-referenced book will save you hours of searching through scattered literature.
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Principles of Hand Surgery and Therapy E-Book
Principles of Hand Surgery and Therapy E-Book
Ideal for hand surgeons, residents in a hand surgery rotation, and therapists interested in a review of surgical principles, Principles of Hand Surgery and Therapy, 3rd Edition, by Drs. Thomas E. Trumble, Ghazi M. Rayan, Mark E. Baratz, Jeffrey E. Budoff, and David J. Slutsky, is a practical source of essential, up-to-date information in this specialized area. This single-volume, highly illustrated manual covers all areas of adult and pediatric hand surgery and therapy, including the elbow. You’ll find state-of-the-art basic science combined with step-by-step techniques and therapeutic protocols, helping you hone your skills and prescribe effective long-term care for every patient. An expanded therapy section with more than 50 diagnosis-specific rehabilitation protocols and more than 100 full-color photographs. New chapters on pediatric fractures; expanded coverage of carpal injuries, including fractures and ligament injuries and perilunate instability; a new chapter on diagnostic and therapeutic arthroscopy for wrist injuries; and expanded treatment of arthritis. New information on pediatric surgery with detailed surgical images. The latest information on pain management, as well as nerve physiology and nerve transfers. Core knowledge needed for the boards—including tumors, free tissue transfer, and thumb reconstruction. Consult this title on your favorite e-reader, conduct rapid searches, and adjust font sizes for optimal readability.
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Cummings Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery E-Book
Cummings Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery E-Book
Now in its 6th edition, Cummings Otolaryngology remains the world's most detailed and trusted source for superb guidance on all facets of head and neck surgery. Completely updated with the latest minimally invasive procedures, new clinical photographs, and line drawings, this latest edition equips you to implement all the newest discoveries, techniques, and technologies that are shaping patient outcomes. Be certain with expert, dependable, accurate answers for every stage of your career from the most comprehensive, multi-disciplinary text in the field! Consult this title on your favorite e-reader, conduct rapid searches, and adjust font sizes for optimal readability. Overcome virtually any clinical challenge with detailed, expert coverage of every area of head and neck surgery, authored by hundreds of leading luminaries in the field. Experience clinical scenarios with vivid clarity through a heavily illustrated, full-color format which includes approximately 3,200 images and over 40 high quality procedural videos. Get truly diverse perspectives and worldwide best practices from a multi-disciplinary team of contributors and editors comprised of the world’s leading experts. Glean all essential, up-to-date, need-to-know information. All chapters have been meticulously updated; several extensively revised with new images, references, and content. Stay at the forefront of your field with the most updated information on minimally-invasive surgical approaches to the entire skull base, vestibular implants and vestibular management involving intratympanic and physical therapy-based approaches, radiosurgical treatment of posterior fossa and skull base neoplasms, and intraoperative monitoring of cranial nerve and CNS function. Apply the latest treatment options in pediatric care with new chapters on pediatric sleep disorders, pediatric infectious disease, and evaluation and management of the infant airway. Find what you need faster through a streamlined format, reorganized chapters, and a color design that expedites reference. Manage many of the most common disorders with treatment options derived from their genetic basis. Assess real-world effectiveness and costs associated with emergent technologies and surgical approaches introduced to OHNS over the past 10 years. Incorporate recent findings about endoscopic, microscopic, laser, surgically-implantable, radiosurgical, neurophysiological monitoring, MR- and CT-imaging, and other timely topics that now define contemporary operative OHNS. Take it with you anywhere! With Expert Consult, you'll have access the full text, video clips, and more online, and as an eBook - at no additional cost!
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MRI of the Musculoskeletal System
MRI of the Musculoskeletal System
MRI of the Musculoskeletal System, Sixth Edition, comprehensively presents all aspects of MR musculoskeletal imaging, including basic principles of interpretation, physics, and terminology before moving through a systematic presentation of disease states in each anatomic region of the body. Its well-deserved reputation can be attributed to its clarity, simplicity, and comprehensiveness. The Sixth Edition features many updates, including: New pulse sequences and artifacts in the basics chapters Over 3,000 high-quality images including new anatomy drawings and images FREE access to a companion web site featuring full text as well as an interactive anatomy quiz with matching labels of over 300 images.
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Custer's Other Brother-In-Law
Custer's Other Brother-In-Law
This book is a must-have for anyone studying the U.S. Army in the late 19th century. This volume contains a copy of the orders book of Lieutenant Frederic Calhoun, brother-in-Law of George Armstrong Custer. Included is a biography of Calhoun, and outline of the 14th U.S. Infantry Regiment.
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