Future Waking
Thomas Johnson's latest novel is a must-read frightening dystopian tale. Apidae is a perfect land with a perfect hive-like structure, and perfect people called hive units. Each hiveu has perfect health, physical traits, body weight, skin, height, and intellect. The hive offers such perfection one can wonder why William and Isabelle are desperate to break free from the land. It takes little effort for William and Isabelle to learn Apidae's true tyrannical nature. Their forbidden love for each other, combined with their desire for self-expression, draws attention from cluster leaders, which results in William's placement on a dangerous watch list. Through DNA manipulation, Apidae creates defect-free hive units in the lab. The land's population is controlled by individual brain regulating circuits, hi-tech video cameras, Intelligent Character Recognition Readers, cluster surveillance drones, and the unstoppable pursuit of the frightening Milo intent on the destruction of all disobedient hive units. Will they escape Apidae before Milo destroys them?