Cracking the ACT with 3 Practice Tests, 2014 Edition
THE PRINCETON REVIEW GETS RESULTS. Get all the prep you need to ace the ACT with 3 full-length practice tests, thorough ACT topic reviews, and extra practice online. The eBook edition of Cracking the ACT has been specially formatted for onscreen e-reader viewing with cross linked questions, answers, and explanations. Inside the Book: All the Practice & Strategies You Need · 2 full-length practice tests with detailed answer explanations · Over 500 total practice test and drill questions · Specific strategies for tackling every question type · Comprehensive content review for all five sections of the ACT · End-of-chapter drills to help you put your learning into practice · Proven techniques like Process of Elimination and Personal Order of Difficulty to help raise your score Exclusive Access to More Practice and Resources Online · 1 additional full-length practice test · Instant score reports, score trends, a breakdown of how well you did on each section, and tips for improvement · Interactive, click-through lessons for each section of the ACT · Tons of next-step-to-college resources, including detailed school profiles, Top 10 ranking lists, and admissions & financial aid info